Recent events: Ran a half marathon in Siem Reap early december. Running through the temples early in the morning giving high fives through the gauntlet of children was amazing. Hopefully next year I'll be able to do it with a camera!!
Family came and visited for xmas and new years. Stayed here in Cambodia for a week and then ventured down to an island off the coast of Thailand. The week here was a show to be seen and a lot of fun. The week in Thailand=== so spoiled. Time went by fast and I enjoyed every second of it. Adjustin back into the village was a bit difficult, but now things are going smoothly and I am charged to finally finish the library project. Looking into putting tile down to make it less dusty and to preserve the books. The world map (in the picture below) is basically done. Had a lot of great help from my students and am looking forward to implementing this room into more of a study center for next year.
Plans: Hoping to see some visitors come through here in the next couple of months. It is always a last minute deal and I totally encourage that, because it won't work otherwise. It is easier not to plan in Cambodia. Spring is looking pretty packed with meetings and what not taking me back and forth to Phnom Penh. Setting up a small NGO a couple k behind my house for me to teach/develop over the summer. Planning is a joke. It is seriously a day by day thing for me. Which could be a good thing or a bad thing. Who knows. Great example of things that deserve planning. A lady working for an ngo outside of town invited me over for spaghetti. Now that is something to plan for... i have been salivating for a better part of a week looking forward to it. The little things in life.