Saturday, July 7, 2007

Monkeys at a the Pagoda

My old house in Thbong Khmom, Kampong Cham


Trish Kohan said...


I love your outfit. Who is your friend. I met the mother of Erica online. Do you hang out with her.

I love you. Take care. Mom

Zach said...

Mike n Ike,
Cool blog. You are more techno-savy in C-bodia than I am here in the states. I hope all is going well. Summer is summer and Juneau is treating me well. Everyone I see around town asks about you and they are so impressed with what you are doing over there. Keep it up and keep those texts coming.

Love, Zach

mike said...


Cool blog. I'm not sure I really know what a blog is but it's great to get your pics and stay in touch. Just got back from vaca in South Carolina. Had a great visit with your fam. Great to hear about your library. How can we help. We all admire the work your doing. I only wish I had the courage to do it when I was your age.

Love, Mike,Chris,Kyle,Eric,Kathryn

Scott said...

Hey Mike,
Good to hear you're not getting the 'bone crushing' illness, and nice to hear you're making friends with the monkeys.
Take care of yourself, and keep posting. It's always great to hear and see how your doing.